2. Very big on my list is that he won't be hitting me up for contributions every day as all GOP sites do, at least he said he'd cover it all himself.
3. A Trump/Clinton debate would have to be on PAY-PER-VIEW! (And in this corner, Hillary "The Buck$$$ Stop Here?" Clinton VS Donald "You're Fired!" Trump!)
4. Covering Donald Trump will leave media less time to find things like 4 traffic tickets in 17 years on Rubio etc. or that Rick Perry is probably not a vegetarian therefore shouldn't be President!
5. The Donald is a man not afraid to pull the trigger if it comes to that and will re-populate Gitmo mostly from this current ADMINISTRATION!
Here are my Magnificent 7 (W/ Trump in there to keep the "political correctness" factor off the table and make serious candidates make serious commitments!)
In no particular order:
Ted Cruz
Carly Fiorino
Bobby Jindal
Rick Perry
Scott Walker
Marco Rubio
Donald Trump