Friday, October 16, 2015

Democrats: Idiots All!

We can’t fund our Military or take care of our wounded warriors?

Right now, the president is threatening to veto the National Defense Authorization Act, even though it meets the funding levels he requested. 
The National Defense Authorization Act authorizes funding for the bonus pay and retirement benefits our soldiers have earned, the equipment and training they need, and the resources our commanders require to confront the threats facing our nation. 

Social Security and Medicare are short funded?
No money for roads and bridges?

Government shutdown is a few days away and these “leaders” want to raise the debt ceiling to keep from shuting down Government?

…PLUS these idiots want to raise taxes because they can’t do a budget…and yet!

This from Forbes magazine:

U.S. Gives Financial Aid to 96% of All Countries

According to the federal government, for fiscal year 2012, “The United States remained the world’s largest bilateral donor, obligating approximately $48.4 billion—$31.2 billion in economic assistance and $17.2 billion in military assistance.” However, “obligated” funds are not the same as “dispersed.”
The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion—$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries. Out of the top six U.S. foreign aid recipients, five of them were Muslim countries. 
The UN boasts 193 members, and the U.S. provided economic assistance to 184 of them, or 96% of the countries in the world. To be sure, the amount of assistance drops significantly after the top 10 countries or so, but still.… Of course, State Department officials might claim that some of that money is to help the poor. But China has the second largest economy in the world—and is a major buyer of U.S. debt.
  So we borrow money from China in order to give them financial assistance?

Everyone of these pathetic Democrats running for President are using the overworked and misrepresented words “Humanitarian” & “refugees”
and want to keep open borders and taking in, without any serious vetting, hundreds of thousands of the migratory families out of the war torn mess propagated by this Klown Kar administration in DC.

As they give Carte Blanch benefits of free health care and free places to live with a stipend to the unwashed, uneducated and ungrateful mob of third-world hooligans, these ever conniving Democrats
are also running on leveling the uneven playing field of equal outcomes.
That there are too many without while too few people with most of the money.
They decimate the economic future of the country from their wasp nest in Washington, allow hundreds of thousands of uneducated,
Democrat voters in through their open door policies and then use this to raise taxes which will hit the middle class the hardest.

The Obamas, The Hillaries, Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Kerry